Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Interview Answers

From Mr. Berggren:

I was very involved in my hs music program. I went to a small high school and had the opportunity to be widely involved in the band and choir program.

My life was profoundly changed by my hs music experience simply because I am one of the few hs musicians to actually make a career out of music learning and performance.

Music is so important to our lives. Imagine one full day without any music! I believe that everyone who performs music, learns about music in a profound, life-changing way. Performers listen-to and enjoy music more fully because of their performance experience.

From Ms. Egan

- Were you involved in any sort of music program in high school?
I was not involved in music during high school past 9th grade. I stopped choir after my freshman year.

- If so, can you explain what it was and how it affects you now? If not, can you explain why you weren't?
I participated in dance for 9 years and played and competed in piano for 10, and ended up losing interest of music in high school. Looking back, I feel that part of the reason I quit was because if someone was an athlete, they didn't "do" music. This is definitely not the case at Eastview and other surrounding high schools. I love music and dance still to this day and feel that I am a well-rounded person in regards to my athletic & musical background.

- Do you think being involved in the Eastview band program will have a lasting impact on the students?
I think that being involved in any program that requires students to be involved with a group throughout their high school career will definitely have a lasting impact on their lives. Whether that group is under the athletic or fine arts umbrella, it will teach them a sense of commitment, time management, improved character and loyalty.
- It helps a student’s commitment…they don’t have a choice if they attend their practices/classes/concerts or competitions.

- It helps a student’s time management…being busy after school with practices and potentially work, students will be forced to complete their homework and other responsibilities in a timely manner as to not interfere.

- It improves character…these students will constantly have an adult and their peers looking after them to make sure they are making the correct social decisions and choices during school.

- It helps a student’s sense of loyalty due to the fact that being so involved with any group for an extended amount of time will create bonds between participants and leaders that will last years past high school and will actually help in choices made.

From Michaela:

1. Being involved in music has affected me in a very positive way, but also in a negative way. My dad has been singing my entire life, so I've had singing in all of my life. I also started piano in second grade. I will admit that I am fairly good at it and that it has affected me in a positive way in that it has given me skills for band and choir, like reading the music. However, I will also admit that my parents and teacher and a lot of adults I know think I'm a prodigy and always expect so highly of me in piano. Due to this, It has affected me in a negative way. I have always thought that if I don't get a song down perfectly they'll all be extremely disappointed in me. But even this has affected me in a positive way. When I finally didn't get the best score I could get in a piano competition after 8 years, none of those people were disappointed. They know I had tried my hardest, and if my hardest isn't good enough for a perfect score, then who cares? It has taught me so many things so far and it's a way to express my feelings. To me, music is it's own world. It has all the drama of real life and all the amazing points, and along the journey you'll learn lessons in a way that you don't always learn easily in life. I've learned them easier in music, and because of that I've been able to go through some points in life easier.
2. I do see myself being involved in the future. Joining the marching band my freshman year I was scared I wasn't going to like it and that my sisters would hate me because of that, but I ended up loving it. I loved it so much that I have a countdown to band camp each year. I had auditioned for choir, not thinking I would make it, but I made it, and in my making it, I met so many people that I have things in common with that I probably never would have met otherwise. I loved the feeling of meeting those people, and I always want to have that feeling in whatever I do, and every year there will be new people, so I'm going to continue my involvement just to continue meeting so many new people.
3. I think it will affect my future. I know that a lot of people that go through the EVHS band and choir programs have gone on and been in some of the best college choirs. It has motivated me greatly to want to persue music as a career, due to the wonderful teachers and all the mentors from all the other bands. There are just so many people to go to for help, and it is motivating me to want to be as good as them and to be in the best bands and choirs I can be in. Another thing is...a lot of colleges know that if you were in band or choir at EVHS and you're continuing in band, they're going to assume you are good at whatever you're doing because Eastview has produced so many outstanding musicians.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I will interview...

1. Mr. Pasquerella (or any of the three band directors)
- How involved in music were you as a high schooler?
- Would you say it has affected your life today? Can you explain?
- How will being in the Eastview band program affect the futures of your students?

2. A student in one of the bands (probably symphonic)
- How has being involved in music affected your life so far?
- Do you see yourself being involved in the future?
- Do you feel being in the Eastview band program will affect your future?

3. A sports coach
- Were you involved in any sort of music program in high school?
- If so, can you explain what it was and how it affects you now? If not, can you explain why not?
- Do you think being involved in the Eastview band program will have a lasting impact on the students?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Story: Step One...

TOPIC: The Eastview band program

ANGLE: How it will affect future of band students

FOCUS STATEMENT: How band affects future